Welcome to the web-site of exclusive representative office of Classification Society Phoenix Register of Shipping (PH.R.S.) in Ukraine!
Representative office was established in 2008. Due to the requirements of Resolution MSC.208 (81) exclusive representaive of Classification Society Phoenix Register of Shipping (PH.R.S.) in Ukraine started its activity from 19.09.2011. Representative office includes surveyors' department, ISM/ISPS auditors' department, construction department and radiotechnical department.
Head Office of Classification Society Phoenix Register of Shipping(PH.R.S.) is located in the maritime centre of Piraeus in Greece and offers a great variety of services related to class-statutory certification, development and approval of shipboard documentation, consultation and technical supervision of ships satisfying the requirements of the most strait shipowners all over the world.
Classification Society Phoenix Register of Shipping (PH.R.S.) has well organized and effective infrastructure. Head Office and its representative offices provide their services 24/7 all over the world due to well-developed network of exclusive and non-exclusive surveyors.
Classification Society Phoenix Register of Shipping (PH.R.S.) has successfully been certified according to quality systems ISO 17020:2012 / ISO 9001:2008.

You can find all the necessary information on our site how to carry out classification of your ship, how surveys are carried out to ensure compliance with ISM Code, ISPS Code and MLC,2006, you are provided with information how your vessel can be technically supervised and receive all the necessary statutory documents in accordance with international maritime conventions requirements.
Due to wide range of PH.R.S. (register of shipping) representatives worldwide and mutual cooperation of all the surveyors, if your vessel is required to be visited by a surveyor abroad (single passage, annual surveys, occasional surveys, etc), you are not going to have any problems with the surveyor arriving from our office (Ukrainian representative) to any other country. We can contact local representative and he is supposed to visit your vessel as soon as possible, saving your time and money for travel expense (visas, trips, ship demurrage and etc.)
In order to enter in to class from Phoenix Register of Shipping (PH.R.S.) you need to complete
application form and email it to tech@phme.org.ua. Where practicable, attach you current or previous Registry of Shipping class status, if any, for our surveyors to analyze and advise you a detailed procedure of entering in to class from Phoenix Register of Shipping. Provided that surveys and inspectors find the condition satisfactory
PHRS surveyor issues certificates immediately on board the vessel without any delays.